Wednesday, April 14, 2010

He Cares

Lately, I've allowed unnecessary stress to overwhelm me. I describe the stress as 'unnecessary' because I don't have a busy schedule. It's my last semester of college so my course load is light. In a perfect world, my semester would be totally chill. However, the world isn't perfect and my school work isn't light. Yet, it's my fault. This semester I've procrastinated on both assignments and studying. I admit that the root of my unnecessary stress is my habitual procrastination.

I've struggled with procrastination for most of my life. It's nothing new. It all stems from my laziness. If you know me well, then you know how lazy I can be. If you don't know me well, then you can look at the decline in updates to this blog for evidence of my laziness. But I don't want to sit around here talking about my laziness all night.

Instead, I want to focus on Christ. Even though I'm feeling anxious about all this PETTY school stuff looming over my head, I still can seek refuge in Him. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast ALL your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." This promise in Scripture brings me great comfort because it calls me to give all of my burdens over to Christ no matter how big or small they might be. I'm so thankful His care knows no bounds! When I begin to reflect more and more on this verse, my anxiety over school quickly fades away as the Holy Spirit points me to the cross. At the cross, Christ not only conquered the need for His children to worry about earthly matters, but also eternal matters. He defeated death! When the Holy Spirit brings me to this point, I gain great perspective on my unnecessary stress.

I pray God would empower me to overcome my unbelief and my pride when I'm tempted with laziness. May He fill me with the Holy Spirit to glorify Him in all the areas of my life including school!

In Him,
