Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Word-Centered Discipleship

This summer I've spent a lot of time with Claude and Eriya. I've hung out with them over at their apartment and they've come over to my house to hang out. We've gone to many places together like Celebration Station for go-carting and games, Myrtle Beach for Consumed Camp, and downtown Greensboro for a tour of their new home city. I took them to their first movie, their first baseball game, their first Krispy Kreme visit, and many other firsts. Through all this time we've spent together, I've established a great relationship with them.

I cherish the memories of this summer. It's been a blessing and a privelge to hang out with them. They're hiliarious and are constantly cracking me up. I look forward to creating more memories with them.

But as I reflect upon my time spent with the boys, I regret not teaching them more directly from the Word. Of course, I taught them to the best of my ability whenever an issue came up and I corrected them whenever they were misbehaving. For instance, on multiple occasions, I had to tell them not to fight with one another because they continually were punching each other. When I corrected them, they stopped but they always questioned why they couldn't fight. After several conversations later, I now understand they fought every day in Africa. It's natural to them and they don't see anything wrong with it. I realize I need to start teaching them from the Word to develop their worldviews in light of Christianity so they'll better understand how to live.

I now desire to lead them in a Bible study to instill a solid Christian worldview in their hearts and minds. I'm planning on working in Greensboro this coming semester on Thursdays and Fridays so I'll have a chance on Wednesday nights to lead them. I pray I'll consistently teach them from the Bible and I pray God will open their hearts to His glorious Word. From now on, I want my discipleship to be Word-Centered!

Please pray for Eriya and Claude. Ask God to use them in a mighty way!

In Him,


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